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Simagchem Corp.

Simagchem Corp.

Certified Store
China Fujian Xiamen

Catalog No. : XMZX-W15047

Oxalic Acid Dihydrate

  • 6153-56-6
  • 25kg/DRUMS
  • 99%
  • China,Xiamen,Siming District
  • 3Day (s)
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  • Product Details & Description

Product Info

Compound Oxalic acid dihydrate
CAS No. 6153-56-6 Catalog No. XMZX-W15047 Brand
Purity 99% Packing 25kg/DRUMS Grade
Lead Time 3Day (s) Origin Loading Port China,Xiamen,Siming District


Boiling Point 108-109°C
Flash Point 157°C
Density 1,65 g/cm3
Melting Point 104-106 °C(lit.)
Vapor Density 4.4 (vs air)


Chemical Properties white crystals

Uses Oxalic acid dihydrate is a purifying agent in pharmaceutical industry, special in antibiotic medication, such as Oxytetracycline , Chloramphenicol , etc; * Precipitating agent in Rare-earth mineral processing; * Bleaching agent in the textile activities, wood pulp bleaching; * Rust-remover for Metal treatment; * Grinding agent, such as Marble polishing; * Waste water treatment, removing calcium from water.

Uses A diprotic reducing agent used as a buffer.

Uses Oxalic acid occurs in the cell sap of Oxalisand Rumex species of plants as the potassium and calcium salt. It is the metabolicproduct of many molds (Merck 1989). Thereare a large number of applications of thiscompound, including indigo dyeing; calicoprinting; removal of paint, rust, and inkstains; metal polishing; bleaching leather; inpesticide compositions and manufacture ofoxalates. It is also used as an analyticalreagent and as a reducing agent in organicsynthesis.

Addition of oxalic acid to chromic acid forthe anodizing of Al alloy has been reported tomodify the morphology and improve the corrosion performance of anodic films (Moutarlier et al. 2004). Also, it is a very effectiveadditive for the ozone treatment of cellulose.It prevents the degradation of cellulose fromozone bleaching.

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Oxalic Acid Dihydrate

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