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Simagchem Corp.

Simagchem Corp.

Certified Store
China Fujian Xiamen

Catalog No. : XMZX-W3318

Boron Oxide

  • 1303-86-2
  • 25kg/DRUMS
  • 99%
  • China,Xiamen,Siming District
  • 3Day (s)
Packing :

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  • Product Details & Description

Product Info

Compound diboron trioxide
CAS No. 1303-86-2 Catalog No. XMZX-W3318 Brand
Purity 99% Packing 25kg/DRUMS Grade
Lead Time 3Day (s) Origin Loading Port China,Xiamen,Siming District


Boiling Point 1860ºC
Stability Stable. Moisture sensitive. Incompatible with water.
Storage Condition Store in a cool, dry place. Store in a tightly closed container.
Appearance & Physical State white powder or glassy flakes
Water Solubility 36 g/L (25 ºC)
Flash Point 1860ºC
Density 2.46
Melting Point 450ºC
Vapor Density >1 (vs air)


Uses A saturated solution of H3BO3 contains about 2% of the compound at 0 C, increasing to about 39% at 100 C. The compound also is soluble in alcohol. In preparations, solutions of boric acid are nonirritating and slightly astringent with antiseptic properties. Although no longer used as a preservative for meats, boric acid finds extensive use in mouthwashes, nasal sprays, and eye-hygiene formulations. Boric acid (sometimes with borax) is used as a fire-retardant. A commercial preparation of this type (Minalith) consists of diammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, sodium tetraborate, and boric acid. The tanning industry uses boric acid in the deliming of skins where calcium borates, soluble in H2O, are formed. As sold commercially, boric acid is B3O3·3H2O, prepared by adding HCl or H2SO4 to a solution of borax.

Uses In preparation of fluxes; component of enamels and glass; catalyst in organic reaction

Uses Boron oxide was used as the intermediate glass layer at a bonding temperature of 450°C. In preparation of fluxes; component of enamels and glass; catalyst in organic reaction.

In metallurgy; in analysis of silicates to determine SiO2 and alkalies; in blowpipe analysis.

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Boron Oxide

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