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Simagchem Corp.

Simagchem Corp.

Certified Store
China Fujian Xiamen

Catalog No. : XMZX-W2557


  • 12001-26-2
  • 25kg/DRUMS
  • 99%
  • China,Xiamen,Siming District
  • 3Day (s)
Packing :

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  • Product Details & Description

Product Info

Compound Mica
CAS No. 12001-26-2 Catalog No. XMZX-W2557 Brand
Purity 99% Packing 25kg/DRUMS Grade
Lead Time 3Day (s) Origin Loading Port China,Xiamen,Siming District


Stability Stable.
Storage Condition Store in a dry and well ventilated place away from direct sunlight. Keep containers closed when not in use.
Appearance & Physical State Colorless, odorless flakes or sheets of hydrous silicates.
Refractive Index 1.55-1.61
Density 2.77


Uses Electrical equipment, vacuum tubes, incan-descent lamps, dusting agent, lubricant, windowsin high-temperature equipment, filler in exteriorpaints, cosmetics, glass and ceramic flux, roofing,rubber, mold-release agent, specialty paper for insu-lation and filtration, wallpaper and wallboard jointcement, oil-well drilling muds.

Uses mica is used as a texturizer and coloring agent in cosmetics, it provides a “glimmer” or “shimmering” quality in makeup powders. Mica is the group name for a series of ground silicate minerals with similar physical properties but varied chemical composition. Micas range in color from colorless to pale green, brown, or black.

Uses Mica is a generic term that applies to a wide range of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals characterized by sheet or plant-like structure, and possessing to varying degrees, depending on composition and weathering, flexibility, elasticity, hardness, and the ability to be split into thin (1 μm) sheets.

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