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Home>Supplier>Simagchem Corp.>2.3-Butanedione

Simagchem Corp.

Simagchem Corp.

Certified Store
China Fujian Xiamen

Catalog No. : XMZX-W11873


  • 431-03-8
  • 25kg/DRUMS
  • 99%
  • 3Day (s)
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  • Product Details & Description

Product Info

Compound butane-2,3-dione
CAS No. 431-03-8 Catalog No. XMZX-W11873 Brand
Purity 99% Packing 25kg/DRUMS Grade
Lead Time 3Day (s) Origin Loading Port


Boiling Point 88ºC
Stability Stable. Flammable. Incompatible with acids, strong bases, metals, reducing agents, oxidizing agents. Protect from moisture and water. Note low flashpoint.
Storage Condition 2-8ºC
Appearance & Physical State Yellow to yellow-green liquid
Water Solubility 200 g/L (20 ºC)
Flash Point 7ºC
Refractive Index 1.391-1.399
Density 0.981
Melting Point -4ºC
Vapor Density 3 (vs air)
Vapor Pressure 52.2 mm Hg ( 20 °C)


Chemical Properties Diacetyl has a very strong buttery odor in very dilute solution.

Occurrence Reported in the oils of: Finnish pine, angelica and lavender; in the flowers of Polyalthia canangioides Boerl. var. angustifolia and Fagroea racemosa Jack. The following plants are also reported to contain diacetyl: Monodora grandiflora Benth., Magnolia tripetale L., Ximenia aegyptiaca L., Petasites fragrans Presl., various narcissi and tulips. It has been identified in certain types of wine, the natural aromas of raspberry and strawberry, and the oils of lavender, lavandin, Réunion geranium, Java citronella, and Cistus ladaniferus L. It is also reported to be found in ligonberry, guava, raspberry, strawberry, cabbage, peas, tomato, vinegar, various cheeses, yogurt, milk, butter, chicken, beef, mutton, pork, cognac, beer, wines, whiskies, tea and coffee.

Uses 2,3-Butanedione is a flavoring agent that is a clear yellow to yellowish green liquid with a strong pungent odor. It is also known as 2,3-butanedione and is chemically synthesized from methyl ethyl ketone. It is miscible in water, glycerin, alcohol, and ether, and in very dilute water solution it has a typical buttery odor and flavor.

Uses Inactivates aminopeptidase-N.1 Cyclocondensation with amines has been used to form triazine2 and pteridine ring systems.3 Also used as a precursor to α-diones.4

Uses Carrier of aroma of butter, vinegar, coffee, and other foods.

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